In David's most recent entry to Suite 101, he plumbs the depths of phenotypic possibility with a round-up of weight-loss suggestions. We get fat, gorging ourselves on his how-to-get-skinny tips!
To start off, David implores us to "..take a run". This no doubt refers to his and our exploration of psychedelic mediums from which David regularly reveals inspiration (see: "Four Unintentionally Hilarious Films") . With his typical guile, David restrains our enthusiasm with a strident "...its not always the right exercise plan for asthmatics or arthritis sufferers". We arent fooled by this end-run around his initial admonition, yet we are still intrigued, as always, to read on.
Never shy to display his expansive mathematical insight, David cruises past the universal speed limit with a bold paragraph, entitled: "Instead of Three Meals a Day, Eat Five Smaller Meals". After a few minutes away from the computer screen with my head buried in a calculator, I am beginning to see where he is going with this. Ill post an update when my grasp is firm enough to elucidate this calculation, but for now Ill leave it as the open question Wesley intends it to be.
We are left with the bitter taste of Wesleyan futility, when in his last paragraph he offers this piece of circular logic: "You may want to lose weight fast for a wedding, but remember, you'll probably over-compensate with large meals at the event and later on." This classic "snake eating its tail" nuance leaves us staggering in an effort to retain hold of our perception of reality whilst attempting to keep our weight reasonable.
Is it possible to stay thin amidst so much cognitive dissonance? Is there a point to any of this "weight-loss" hysteria? Is fat good? Bad? In quintessential form, Wesley leaves all of these questions open to interpretation.
Me? Im gunna has a cheezburger...
Sorry readers, heres the link!: