While reading as much of the news related to events in Egypt, I was struck by one question: "What does David Wesley have to do with this?". At first blush its not an obvious question. We are all aware of his effect on all cultural movements here in the states and Western Europe, but what of his impact on the Arab world? One might argue that an intellectual and spiritual force as bold as Wesley's would affect anyone in the world, regardless of their place in it. But as I've traveled to the most reclusive corners of the world I discovered that Our Hero isnt as well known as we expect. For instance, while chatting with patrons at a cafe in Yemen, I referred to a story as "Wesleyesque" and the allusion was met with blank stares.
So the question arises, what effect has David Wesley had on the events in Egypt? The answer, unsurprisingly to the initiated, is that he has had a profound effect on the revolutionaries in Egypt. Affectionately nicknamed "Al Wahad" or "the one", Wesley is regularly referred to in chants for the ouster of Mubarak. "Out with Hosni! In with Al Wahad!!!" is heard frequently in the streets.
Rumor has it that Wesley is on the ground in Egypt, making his name available for succession after Mubarak's ouster. We'll keep you informed as things develop.